
2009 Poetry

Drifting clouds

cause imaginings

of the mind,


to be creatures of the earth

instead of vapor.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


The Shadorma is a Spanish form of six unrhymed lines with a strict number of syllables per line.

The pattern is as follows:

Line 1: 3 syllables

Line 2: 5 syllables

Line 3: 3 syllables

Line 4: 3 syllables

Line 5: 7 syllables

Line 6: 5 syllables

You can string as many verses as you want.

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Co3ru135c3n7's picture

Now *that* is profound!


vilmazab's picture

This was one of my favorite game when I was young, even now, I still play with the clouds.Thanks for my remembrance and your sharing.