Final Sleep


Been happy for so long, it came as a surprise

To hear that I am crying, hiding under lies

I watch the girls around me, laughing having fun

I see that I am losing, when I should've won

I see that my hearts sinking, in a vast deep sea

And no one seems to care at all what's happening to me

I don't want a many million, just a life long friend

One to hold and comfort me until the very end

I hear a humming in my ear, lulling me to sleep

Erasing all the numbness that I've hid so deep

And as I close my eyes, just one final time

I'll leave behind my body, for all of you to find

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this during Computer class while being given a break. I was very upset and I remember hearing my teacher humming a tune somewere behind me, lost in the chaos of the moment.

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this is good, I can kinda feel the whole feeling and atmosphere.