Crying on the Inside


I'm crying on the inside

I'm purple black and blue

Yeah I'm crying on the inside

And all because of you

Can't you see that my heart is


Broken, Beaten, Battered

Cause I'm crying on the inside

And all because of you

Can’t you tell my pride is wounded?

Broken down

It's lieing, dying on the ground

Don't you know my faith is slipping?

Dripping all away

Don't you see I'm different now?

Than I was yesterday?

Cause now...I'm crying on the inside

I'm purple, black, and blue

Yeah I'm crying on the inside

And all because of you

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kayspoems's picture

oh...this was beautifully sad...i can totally relate to this poem and it made my heart so sad, but that is a good thing...i loved the way you broke up the words, giving them power..
excellent poem!
kay :)

M.S Pritchard's picture

Hey there,
this is a really good poem. I could relate to it. What I noticed though, is that the repetion makes it seem alot like a song...have you thought of entering it into a song competion?
just a thought

Jesse Parker's picture

hey! this relates well to me. i write alot of stuff like this. its great keep up the wonderful work!!!! -jesse

Karissa Fletchall's picture

wow. this is a great poem. I really like it. check out my page if ya want.

Liz Plank's picture

i love this poem because in every way i have been though the same thing because of one poerson i am no longer happy. Your poem is really great.