Daddy's Little Princess

Daddy's Little Princess

Clark Steven Lupton


When you were born

You were a cute little baby

Everyone predicted

You'd grow into a lovely lady

Your parents showed off your baby pictures

People said they were very nice

And just like the Power Puff Girls

They said you were made of sugar and spice

And then you started school

You really did stand out

Great things were expected of you

Of that there was no doubt

You were the teacher's favorite

And the favorite of the class

You could get by on your looks

In case you didn't pass

Then you went to high school

And all the boys liked you

You wouldn't have been the center of attention

If that wasn't true

And then you went to college

The girls - there were all kinds

But the other girls didn't matter

It was you on all the boy's minds

Then after college

The people thought you were a snob

But it didn't really matter

You still got the best job

You were the favorite once again

You rose up through the ranks

You made more money than the others did

And laughed all the way to your banks

Then you got married

Your husband was the best

He was smart and good looking

And richer than the rest

Then you had your own little daughter

She'll be the prize of future men

She's daddy's little princess

And the cycle starts all over again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a more poetic view of mine on the life of a beautiful woman, from birth to giving birth. It's how I imagine it, whether true or not.

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Lacie Baldwin's picture

Wow, this ending surprised me! For some reason I was wondering... at the end... is she going to die?... is she not so perfect?... is it going to end like "I was lucky enough to have her"... but I think I like your ending better. =)

I'd like to thank you for commenting my poems like you have. I haven't really shown my poems a whole lot.. just on that site, and a friend reading one here and there.. so your comments mean a lot. Sometimes people let fear get the best of them I guess.
I've always considered publishing poems, but my family has never really approved (nor have they actually read my poems). I've had one published in a small book that was only sent to the authors, when I was about 13. But since one of your last comments, I'm excited about considering real publishing again.
And I can see why you already are. =)

shawon1982's picture

ikaw i akin kaibigan? kamusta ka clark?
i like your poems specially this one very much. wonderful poems.

Dr. Zayed Bin Zakir Shawon

Aika Copon's picture

oh, hey! this is a cute poem. i like it! although the life of a beautiful woman ain't always peaches and roses. *wink*