What Life is all About

What Life is all About

Clark Steven Lupton

June 25, 2006

How can you describe life in one little rhyme?

It’s basically just breathe, breathe, breathe all of the time

There is some eating of food and drinking of water

And sometimes you have a son or a daughter

You need to go places so you walk or you drive

Just a few of the things you do if you want to survive

You need to wear clothes to protect you from the sun or the snow

Except in the shower where you can let it all show

You need a place to stay, it goes without saying

These are the things you need for which you'll always be paying

And one thing's for sure you'll keep going back to a grocery store

Because if you didn't you wouldn't be living anymore

And in life there's a lot of work to be done

So if I were you I'd hire a maid and go out and have fun

The road of life isn't straight, it's bending

Sometimes it's great and sometimes you wish it were ending

There are choices to be made and not all are always right

After every darkness in life there’s always light

So if breathing for seventy plus years too hard to do

Remember that our ancestors did it for thousands of generations and you can too :o)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Why does the rhyming center of my brain activate when I'm waiting for a girl to show up for coffee or a meal? Well the idea for this was inspired by this lady who wanted to get together after half a year to "...talk about life". So while waiting in the restaurant I tried to simplify life into a poem and wrote most of it while waiting for her. She gained twenty pounds. That's life.

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vilmazab's picture

you are good, I like this piece,realistic and downright frank, thank you, I had a nice time reading it.