Where was I? Was I in an unknown zone?
And where have I come from?
An unethical question to ask or answer!
Yet, no doubt I know, Mama delivered me!
Here am I! That too;
In a zone, that is from, unknown to known!
As a fetes I lay in the warmth of my mother
And now in a complete unknown zone, though!
A safe and sound proof, but sleepy zone!
From where, all that I needed; I was provided.
Neither cost I had to sell out nor any responsibility had I to shoulder!
A total comfort zone with little space; but free from all worries!
Where am I to move to?
From an unknown to a known zone?
From a stationary phase to a mobile phase?
From a comfort zone to a demanding zone?
Oh! So hectic and the pace is too much too handle!
Unless I perspire, survival is at stakes! Nevertheless,
Death is imminent and unavoidable! That’s for sure!
Though a known zone, it’s ups and downs all the way!
Man! Where are you moving again to?
From a known to an unknown zone?
From womb to world and life after death?
From comfort to discomfort and from discomfort to an imaginary zone?
Hi! You don’t know what it’s like! You know?
You’re committing yourself to an unknown destiny!
Oh, Man! Your past and your present are yours;
What’s in store for you in life after death? No one knows!
Make yourself comfortable, in your known zone;
Live and let live others and keep yourself safe;
As too much botheration about wealth and worldly pleasures,
Would only make you forget the comfort zone at present!
Once you forget the present, and keep thinking of the future;
Imagine! You are wasting your time and forgoing your enjoyment at present;
And trying to look into the future for something that’s imaginary; and not assured of;
To fancy yourself and have a secured life in an unknown destiny!
"Unknown zone"... it is like
"Unknown zone"... it is like the plane of existance we can only wonder about. I think that maybe when people die tragically, they stay somewhere in this zone... because their energy is 'unsettled', like a ghost or like unresolved anger, you know Ben? Like when you have no peace----like people who commit suicide out of desperation---they go to the 'zone of the unknown'. or maybe some babies that were aborted are there too, you know? You get the idea? Anyway, just my idea. I always think about the people wrongly convicted who are executed innocently---they too, live in the 'unknown zone'...you know? It could be. Their spirit is unhappy, heavy... until things on earth change for the better, their souls cannot rest.
.................I like your poem a lot.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
Thanks Nightlight. You are
Thanks Nightlight. You are so generous in lending your thoughts to others! You always seem to think at a wider angle and speak for everyone, including the downtrodden. Great heart!
Very nice write Mr Ben
Very nice write Mr Ben. If you get time try to read "Knock" written by me today. Message your thoughts to me about it.I'll wait.