Emotional outbursts either make you vitriolic

Or help you emerge out with a winsome smile!

The sense of happiness that unfurls at one stage,

Transforms to madness or vitiates blissful effects.


You feel stranded and your life becomes quite somber;

And so, you begin to assess the context quite desperately.

But, the deceptiveness still prolongs making you feel woozy;

For there’s no set rule followed in its undesired course,


The strange phenomena that’s ascribed to human failure,

Makes one think quite critically and egoistically;

Though it’s inexplicable, it still clings on till end,

For the curiosity to survive and thrive, hangs in balance.


Your desperation to survive makes your decision dominate;

But the compromises that you make to tide over situations; and

To seek a ‘Win Win’ situation, overriding your critical matters,

Make you brag forgetting your failure, as soon as it is realized!


No matter you flout uncompromising traditional attributes;

When you emerge victorious with a winsome smile,

You begin to look down upon other fellow creations,

For you think, your wistful thinking makes you feel better!


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Your wistful thinking makes you feel better.


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bishu's picture

The City has become a steaming Pressure Cooker Mr Ben !!!!!

May Rain-Gods give heavy Rain = wistful thinking....... Thanks for sharing your words



pbenarumairaj's picture



We were so lucky that we managed to escape from the sweltering heat as it had been raining throughout this summer. We visited Ooty too.


bishu's picture

Ooty !!!! Wow !!!!

Kolkata is steaming hot !!! Glad you are having rains there.. Best wishes.. bishu
