Searching for Wings


Trying to tread air with
stone wings,
heaven appears ever smaller
(at least Icarus touched
Paradise once!)


I dare to spin security
from gauzy imaginings--
the stuff of angel dreams,
domain of the blessed.


In a glittering mind-waltz
sculpted from a long green day,
somewhere I flew.


But then awoke,
the cloudscape far above.

Stalking joy through reeds
of doubt,
I glimpsed it,
like the blur of a
frightened fawn.


Weightless as breath,
a glint on the black woolen
cloak of care
Truth spoke:
The crocus blooms in snow.
Ice turns kale to royal hues.

In forests, shadows crawling on
the tattered ground
make struggling drops of light
more sublime.


Someday stone will turn to light
and I’ll laugh across infinity.


Patricia Joan Jones

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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redbrick's picture

Somewhere in every classical

Somewhere in every classical poet's past is an Icarian melody. I am glad to have found one in your coterie of poetry. Of late I have been contemplating my being remiss about the Daedalean side of things. Perhaps one day, that too shall take wing. Thanks for having shared this gem and keeping it in circulation.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for adding your

Thank you for adding your knowledge and insights to my work. Your poetry already takes flight. No need for a legendary craftsman. You've touched the sun! 

saiom's picture

your beautiful world


'Cloudscape'  a wonderful word


'I glimpsed it,
like the blur of a
frightened fawn'




patriciajj's picture

Thank you for visiting the

Thank you for visiting the first poem I ever posted online. Your support means so much. 

S74rw4rd's picture

The whole poem displays your

The whole poem displays your inimitable style, but the last two stanzas bring that "patriciajj" effect to the forefront!  Wow!  However do you coin such perfect phrases?


patriciajj's picture

Your comment made me smile on

Your comment made me smile on a day I didn't feel I I had much to smile about. Thank you! 

Jesster's picture


LLove those last lines

Copyright © JessterStarshine

patriciajj's picture

Thank you so much for reading

Thank you so much for reading and leaving that kind comment. 

allets's picture

Nice image




patriciajj's picture

Thank you so much. I'm

Thank you so much. I'm thrilled that you visited this older post and took the time to leave such an uplifting comment.