Follow the Birdsong (repost, edit)


Somewhere a bird stumbles 

out of its

fragile night,

wet with promise,

stunned by life


and one day it will

sing the daydream-colored

song it learned in heaven,


something about

unquestioning love

and creation: 


so much glitter,

diamond waves,


weightless on the

tips of reborn oaks 

as if green needed 

more melodies,


and I chase the starry flutes,

rise and fall with 

miraculous wings


and step out of 

ideas such as limits

and moments with

a beginning and end. 


So easy.


One thin shell between fear

and understanding.

An infinity right now and for

now, nothing hidden.


With that hawk rewriting

a simple sky and a crowd

of music all over 

free-flowing blue,


I stumble out of my fragile night

and remember a song

of creation.



Patricia Joan Jones 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

First published in Chitro Magazine Issue 1: Birth 

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allets's picture

Love Hope Joy

"...stumbles out...stunned with life..." The creativity, ah the creativity!



patriciajj's picture

Just honored to have you stop

Just honored to have you stop by. That in itself is validation. Thank you kindly for your supportive comment. 

allets's picture

What a poet does

"...and step out of/ideas" That snagged my definition of aesthetic.




patriciajj's picture

Thank you so much! That made

Thank you so much! That made my day. 

S74rw4rd's picture

Amazing how much poetic value

Amazing how much poetic value you can deploy from the simple metaphor of a bird.  Yours is a most classic talent---so much meaning expressed in such few words.


patriciajj's picture

Thank you for that awesome

Thank you for that awesome feedback. I couldn't ask for a more encouraging comment. 

S74rw4rd's picture

Sorry I missed replying to

Sorry I missed replying to this---in my condition, I am not very efficient in keeping track of replies.  But I did not mean to be rude or disrespectful. 


patriciajj's picture

You're always an

You're always an encouragement and an uplifting presence here. Again, thank you. 

S74rw4rd's picture

Thank you for not holding my

Thank you for not holding my unintentional delays against me.
