The Sound of Creation

In the new moon
I heard the other
side of silence:


Nothingness rising
to the summit of all
there is.


It was born in this
furnace of giddy emptiness:


one note,
one dot of blinding knowledge
against the aimless void,


a diamond on ebony,
a new life spinning out of
a blind forever,


spraying shattered crystal,
then waves of sun and moon
and everything precious,
falling and rising
and sculpting . . .




And worlds.


And all that is unknowable,
unreachable and perfect
is contained in rhythm,
the web we get lost in
on our way to infinity.


Clothed in a night
dripping stars,
I heard the ancestral drums:


Heaven's floor was just a stage
for the heartbeat
crashing to earth
then back to where we came from,


and all the answers were there,
but life stood between us:
just one short life and
one illusion between me
and understanding.


In the waterfall I heard
the ancient strings,
the first of many worlds
and the first notes
the river learned
in a burst of unbearable love,


now wandering in song,
now endlessly born


in the beginning
and the end of time.


Patricia Joan Jones

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S74rw4rd's picture

Your command of cosmic

Your command of cosmic imagery to express the points and the emotions in this poem is so very admirable.  You are building a kind of cosmic series, and I wait with eager anticipation for the next poem, and the poem after that, and on and on.


patriciajj's picture

I can't thank you enough for

I can't thank you enough for your very encouraging comments. You made my day. 

S74rw4rd's picture

Thanks for the reply.  And I

Thanks for the reply.  And I will say your poem certainly made my day, or the next several.  I am sure glad that random browsing brought me first to your poems---what serendipity!


patriciajj's picture

I'm deeply grateful for every

I'm deeply grateful for every awesome reply you bring my way. 

word_man's picture

and this may be the exact way

and this may be the exact way it was created

ron parrish

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for catching that!

Thank you for catching that! I was hinting at the ancient philosophical concept of "the music of the spheres". It's a pleasure to have you read my work with such thought and insight. Many thanks. 

word_man's picture

my pleasure

my pleasure

ron parrish

Jesster's picture


This is fantastic in every way. I could feel every note... and I'm left with a yearning to be reborn. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for that gorgeous

Thank you for that gorgeous reply. I'm deeply grateful. 

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for reading and

Thank you for reading and leaving such poetic soulprints. I value your opinion.

Incompl's picture

You are an amazing writer,

You are an amazing writer, this poem is overwhelming, somehow I touched fingertips with the meaning of life And it left me giddy and empty. Bravo. 

Let your teeth show

patriciajj's picture

Thank you kindly for that

Thank you kindly for that uplifting and beautiful feedback.