
a demeaning term

used for nothing more

than to dehumanize

a swath of abused people

a rusty razor blade of a word

wheedled like a sickle so to

slash away at each individual's

most basic dignity

a demarcation that infected

an entire nation in one form or

another for nearly two centuries

until her inhabitants stood

to push back

saying NO MORE

hands off the curtains that guard

the civilized collective

from such brutal psychological


for we must live up to our

Latin motto

E Pluribus Unum

(out of many one)

in this life there are no


there never were

only a social tribe of people

who did nothing to deserve

such abhorant treatment

nor the vile moniker they were


other than the fact that they

merely existed and still do

I will take my last breath

still believing that I am my

brother's keeper

and no slander upon his

good name will I ever

willingly accept

just because his skin may

be darker than my own

the whole concept to me

is disgusting

and spits in God's own face

mark my heart

The 'N' Word will be stamped out

if I have my way..........

(June 4, 2014 903am)



Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem hails from my disgust over the (I'd like to think lessoning but) on going racial inequality I read about and hear of pretty regularly.

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jjbreunig3's picture



A wonderful, poetic composition; found the following lines extremely poignant in its description of racial hatred:


a rusty razor blade of a word

wheedled like a sickle so to

slash away at each individual's

most basic dignity


Loved the message; wonderfully conceived!


-Joe Breunig, Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory



Logic, when applied to people, fails miserably!  -Me

MonteThePoet's picture

Whoa 0_0

really like this poem right here awesome

If your heart is not 100% in it then you're not fully committed!