
in passing today

I saw pain

scratched raw

upon the face

of an unknown child

from no more than a few moments'

intimate glance

soul slammed into soul

meeting one another

in some swift incomparable clash

but that one aching, living wound look

that came from her ran through me

as cold as the feeling of a thousand funerals

no one

especially not this once so bright and shiny

as a new penny child should have to live with

that big ugly jagged scar

prowling around inside them

a small scared rabbit she was

in horrified human form


the likely culprit

my gut twists to address

cowardly and criminal

the parents' or guardians' unthinkable acts

to permit such vicious robbery upon a child

stealing all shards of innocence

it butchers their minds

and leaves in such carnage's wake

the shattered, stark and unhidably hopeless

little her

it is a rancid society's evil

bleeding from the hands of such a vast

godless collective

leaving me to wonder

just when

will the war on our children's innocence


(written Aug. 21, 2001 1230am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

a true meeting via me in my car at a red light on Saint Mary's Pike. I pulled up behind an old truck and there was a little girl in the back. She was obviously an abused child, her face so absent of a child's wonder and joy. It broke my heart to see her but see her I only did for like a minute but it was a minute I would never forget.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

love your this rich and heartiestly made with perfect way..its reaaly good and inspiring one...and it shows that you are a perfect and great poetess... sure it's true too... love your poetry to read again and again and feel it and visualize it... great and well done melissa dear...