every time I try to see the world
through your eyes
I'm sure
(as even to myself)
I look a little young
but still I try
my world I attempt to right
your words in my head
I self appointedly blurt
the heart
a wounded eagle
fixates on unlimited flight
all graphic intent
falters to flow
ever modest to accompany
just once
your own swift rivers tour
'tis it so very wrong
to see such strength in you
and in myself so poignantly long
for that time
when such strength shall flow
through out me too
as touched by your
obvious life focus
I shall stand hopefully
and well adjusted
a better woman
who's been so loved by you
so come I say
my truest love source
and fill me with your unfractured
as I offer you the only true purity
I possess
the heart beat of my soul
my love in its full force
here in my yet fully discovered
growing more and more
for you
the only physical
manifestation that matters....
(Jan 18,2001 230am)