God Saw It

~God Saw It~


We kept winter outside.

Spring will be faked.

Summer will be pale. Artificial.

No one will have fun by the lake.

Smiles will be insincere. 

Photos blurred. We won't be going

for a ride. Things are missing from the basket.

The children don't know what to do. Their parents

will not allow screams in the yard. The fence is linked.

Dad's car is brown. Mom's hair is broken. Fire

in the hills. Deer don't want to live here.

Deer don't want to be deer anymore. Hunting season

has lost its luster. Tiny cubes of windshield glass

on parking lot asphalt. Warm. The mall is closed. 

There was a cloud briefly in blue. God saw it.


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saiom's picture

  The fire season is


The fire season is horrible.. and the drought, the heat


This might make you laugh.. the songs of tom lehrer

including a hunt in which he bagged 2 game wardens, 7 hunters,

and a prize guernsey cow




lyrycsyntyme's picture

Fine and powerful words.

Fine and powerful words. Knocked my socks off with your closing words. Those final lines draw the mind's eye down to the sharpest of focus. The smallest of sensations. The things we are letting slip away.


This is one of the best poems I've read in a really long time. Suspect it will stick with me a long while.

S74rw4rd's picture

I agree with your comment,

I agree with your comment, entirely.  This poem is immensely powerful and leaves an impression that will last long after the poem has been read.  The conversational tone of the words enhances the eeriness.  And that last line . . . wow!!!
