When the Wind Blows


There was a cross on which he hung,

Of which a thousand songs are sung.

It was not made of special wood,

Christ hung because He understood.

That if we were to live with Him,

He'd have to pardon all our sin.

From one man sin came in this earth,

From one man holiness would birth.

Our forgiveness hung in Him alone,

And when He died, God's sorrow shone.

They say the sun stopped shining, for hours just a fewm

And the curtain in the temple, it was town in two.

At the painful death of Christ,

People heard the angels' cries.

They say you hear the cries of those,

Angels now, when the wind blows.

             -Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

You gotta believe!
- PaRappa The Rapper

This poem is about Christ's grace. He didn't have to do what He did... He chose to. He wanted to. He did it because He loves and cares for us.

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Amen, brother! That's what it's all about....