

Forever, I sit in my chair,

My countenance, a broken stare.

How do I handle all this?

And how do I deal with this piss?

When everything I stand on fails,

The stone on which my head impales.

When life itself makes me crave death,

When I can't shake my deep regret.

I don't know what the heck I want,

I fly through life so nonchalant.

I just can't seem to grip the wheel,

Because these painful wounds won't heal.

I'm not afraid of who I am,

But, now, I just don't think I can.

When every day just hurts me more,

When waking up becomes a chore.

Don't eat, or sleep or try at work,

This life is so frickin berserk.

My school is dead, don't give a crap,

I've fallen in some kind of trap.

It's not that I'm unhappy,

Please try to understand,

I just don't care at all no more,

Ignoring life's demands.

      -Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

He's history...play with fire and you get burned.
- Magus  Chrono Trigger

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justmikey's picture

This is really a good write. I've been there and it speaks to me on a very deep level. Great flow.

Amber Nicholl's picture

Really love this. I can relate to it so well.

Selah Moui's picture

I know exactly how you feel. I'll be there for you. Just hold on to life, hold on to truth, hold on to you.
