Michael Anaya

My Portfolio
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Desert - It's all beach and no water

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

First joined in 2003 and was active for a bit but the - whatever it was that inspired me, left. It's now 2020 and life has changed, hasn't it? Maybe with all the insanity, my missing voice will come out to help me cope. We'll have to see...
I live with my 22 year old son whose company I enjoy and will miss very much when he decides it's time to be on his own. I also share any comfortable spot with two old four-legged friends who are also family.

About My Navel

It's just your garden variety innie (looks down at it trying to find something spectacular to write about). I wonder...do people with outties have a substitute worry for the lack of navel lint???

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

My favorite quotes:
''I would my horse had the speed of your tongue...''
~ William Shakespeare

"there's something wrong with you"
~ Dad


Member for
21 years 28 weeks