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Author's Full Portfolio

Dedicated Poems To Random Events/People.

Title Commentssort icon Views Updated Posted
1 Little Baby Sleeping 194 2011/12/10 21 years ago
2 The Mongetsu Song (The Full Moon Song) 213 2011/12/10 21 years ago
3 Remember... 209 2011/12/10 19 years ago
4 If I Could Tell The World 180 2011/12/10 21 years ago
5 Air Above The Sky 214 2011/12/10 18 years ago
6 Dreams 203 2011/12/09 21 years ago
7 How I Feel For You 207 2019/07/27 21 years ago
8 Virginia Tech 301 2011/12/10 17 years ago
9 Outraged 187 2011/12/10 21 years ago
10 The Feeling 197 2011/12/10 21 years ago
11 The Happy Ones 176 2011/12/10 21 years ago
12 Farewell Innocent Teachers 226 2011/12/09 21 years ago
13 Kidnapping 254 2011/12/10 21 years ago
14 Don't Worry 160 2011/12/09 21 years ago
15 :) Little Child :) 236 2011/12/09 21 years ago
16 Perfect World 204 2011/12/10 21 years ago
17 Happy Valentine's Day 215 2011/12/09 21 years ago
18 Please Don't Go 187 2011/12/10 21 years ago
19 Missing My Friends 221 2011/12/10 21 years ago
20 My Brave Friends 1 332 2011/12/10 22 years ago
21 Another E-mail 1 179 2011/12/09 21 years ago
22 I'm Scared & Shivering 1 339 2011/12/09 22 years ago
23 Sailormoonie151 1 211 2011/12/10 22 years ago
24 Here With Me 1 196 2011/12/09 21 years ago
25 Strict Teachers 1 3,609 2011/12/10 21 years ago
26 A Timeless Moment 2 283 2011/12/09 22 years ago
27 Firefly 2 221 2011/12/09 21 years ago