A Stranger To My Own

A Stranger To My Own

No one knows me quite like you,

The one who is reading my words.

Nobody listens nor comprehends.

I live here without being heard.

My own never know how I feel deep inside.

They don't care enough to explore

The woman within who is hurting or glad.

They only see me.  Nothing more.

My heart pours in syllables here on this page,

For all who will read it to see.

My own, never look here.  They pass right on by.

A stranger to the woman who is me.

Music: Breathless

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rglinz16's picture

Beautiful work. I truly loved the part "I live here with out being heard." Amazing..:-D

Carol Gornell's picture

I understand every word of this poem and can truly empathise as mine don't know me either.......yet they tell me endlessly all about me!!!!!!!

withpen_inhand's picture

Dear Jessica,it is sad to be past over or taken for granted by your on.You have exspressed yourself very well.I do feel your pain..Buren :)

alf's picture

Boy oh boy, if you looked like that. I'd never flamin walk away. hehe

Lesa Gay's picture

So beautifully written! I know exactly how you feel. There is so much of ourselves that cannot be seen on the surface.

My daughter loves my work but my son seems to be too busy to be bothered to find the site. After months of begging him he finally went to look at Kenneth Danial Gay, but did not take the time to comment. He did finally say "Thanks Mom" but only after I sent it to him in E-mail.

I am a compleatly different person within these Halls than I present to the real world. Here, I can be exactly who I am. The person that is truly me!

Thank so much for inviting me here. As always your words have touched me.


kat's picture

You said what I said, only much better.

Melissa Rives's picture

This is really sad.... though something I think we all feel at times....well written.

taleteller's picture

I can very well relate to this poem... I think all of us want to be seen, recognized, thought of... in a particular way... I note that my own family does not always see me as I wish to be seen... I try not to be outwardly sensitive about it, however, since I know that they, also, would like to be seen by me and others in the way THEY wish to be seen... I suppose we are all looking for that soulmate being, whether they appear as spouse, lover, family or friends... and who's to know that that soulmate might be standing right next to us. Would we know it? Probably not... we're too busy looking elsewhere. I think this applies to us all... This is a well thought-out, well-expressed poem of some pretty darn deep feelings and desires and sparks a wonder within me... You have a way with words, Jessica... Congratulations!

Rosemary J. Gwaltney's picture

Ah, yes, your words tell a story from my own heart! Very poignant and well written.