B est friend this life ever gave me,
O nly spoke jewels so sage,
N ever a harsh word to maime me,
N egating my sorrowful cage,
I f ever I have an occasion
E re I part from my journey on Earth
I want to convey how I love her
And convince her of how much she's worth.
you brought tears to my eyes with this as my Mother's name was Bonnie and we just celebrated her birthday with out her here except in spirit:)
She has been gone for far to long as well and she too was my best friend, even more so she was my Angel.
Thank you for writing this, it really is beautiful even if it wasn't wrote for me, I could relate like it was:D
Jess, Too bad that Bonnie isn't able to read the way you have honored your friendship.How sad.Later, Joyce/Spanky