Four O'Clock In The Morning

Four o'clock in the morning has such a lonely tone.

The whole world sleeps around me, and I am so alone.

I hear an occasional night bird, but the trillers have not yet come.

There's no one about to hear my sigh, Oh, when will you be home?

Four o'clock in the morning and my eyes can find no sleep.

I lie here and think of the one man I love.  The echo of his voice is sweet!

His laugh and wit and wisdom, from distance comfort me.

I may lie alone in the quiet still hours but his love washes up like the sea.

Four o'clock in the morning would be such a lovely time,

If you were here to share my life, If you were truly mine.

I'm counting the days and hours until I'll again be by your side.

You're my mentor, my friend, my confidante, and in that care, Sweet Man, I abide.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's four o'clock in the morning.  Why do I think you'll be awake too?

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alf's picture

have lain awake at four in the morning, many times, thinking of days gone by, and friendships lost, and new ones found. Hope your love comes home, and stays forever.

Melvin Lee II's picture

Oh yeah, funny thoughts can definitely keep me awake till the wee small hours of the morning.
Smilesz..but i guess i shant be able to rhyme as well as u here, hha.
nice work, jess.