Celestial Bodies

I hear your heart beat

Pounding inside my head

A deafening aria

Vibrating every cell and nerve within


Reverberations of passion

Echoing down the celestial corridors

Of my brain


I hear your thoughts

Screaming in my ear

Like the gushing solar winds


Whipping and whistling

Through the cold blackness of space

As it cries out in ecstasy


I feel the soft touch of your skin

As your spirit enters my body

And embraces my soul

In its loving arms.


I smell the sweet scent

Of your body on mine

And the taste of your desire

While consuming the very essence of your being

As we become one.


Exploding like a super nova

And sending ripples of desire and passion

Throughout the expanse of our very existence


And giving birth to a love

That can be felt light years away

From our own realities.


A conception of universal beauty

Growing into a world


Of everlasting peace and happiness


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A most beautiful love poem!

A most beautiful love poem!
