
I've felt the gales of the seven seas,

gazed at sights even more wondrous than these

the ebbs and tides of wrathful storms...

I've seen mankind in all its forms

my council wise men sought saying 'please'

When shot at, shot back -oh, I've paid my fees

Chased lions and sharks -bested those fears

even twice scarred beauty and left her in tears

(And that my friend haunts me most after all these years)


Yet all this I say not to brag or toot a horn

but to introduce myself to you and to warn

that I may be foolish but think not I was low-born

like you i too possess a heart (though it be a bit forlorn

for 'twas touched by good and evil yet is to neither sworn)

So read this tale and perhaps my fate a little mourn:

surrounded by roses, I let one prick me with her thorn

it was not her doing -of danger she even did forewarn

Alas, 'tis true: my heart had its reasons to which reason is unknown.







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mrpoofs's picture

very nice...liked the

very nice...liked the rhyming, flowed well. Quite a powerful message...hope you avoid the danger next time, unless you'd rather bleed cleansingly.

Tallulah's picture


renaissance man for sure,  been there, done that, done it all ...but in the end you prevail. Good write.

Sassylass's picture

a great start

good rhythm and rhyme scheme,

You gained my interest,but lost it toward the end

All in all, you would see me seeking to read you again!


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



Nocnitsa's picture



"I have become a second generation cosmic being, I am conceived in the womb of nature, in my own mind... In the womb of the universe."

Sassylass's picture


to this place!

and you are refreshing!

keep that pen up and going ;)

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
