have you ever


have you ever loved a man so much you cant breath

have ypu ever tried to get him to love and appreciate him but no matter what you do it never works

have you ever cried yourself to sleep knowing that he can never love you the way you love him

have you ever had someone steal your mind heart and soul

have you ever

have you ever prayed that he will care

have you ever just wanted to give up and cant

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Morningglory's picture

Umm..... Yes! 

Umm..... Yes! 

Copyright © morningglory

allets's picture


welcome to pp. This write has an intriguing POV and state of mind - I push it so hard daily that I can't stay awake when I decide to dream.


You can not love me

the way I view love

I spend hours thinking

about love and you

and why my love

is strong and you

are asleep most

of the time.


~Lady A~