Putting that all aside, it would seem that something such as 'justice' might be even more of an avalanche of drama and chaos, and as we can clearly see by our observation of the world around us, the legal system, and the business of imprisonment, it most certainly is just that. I personally have seen enough to be inspired to help with this webpage in an attempt to help open the eyes of anyone who cares enough to face the reality of what we have all contributed to, and hopefully feel the passion to improve on a system that has become a cancer unto itself. As it stands, I see the word 'justice' as a mere fabrication. So as I write, I am compelled to create my own fabrication of justice, as I certainly feel enormously entitled to after having had witnessed some of the things that I have thus far into my earthly journey. As I do, I invite you to ask yourself as well, "What is your own fabrication of justice? If you had the power to change your own idea of justice to improve your own personal reality what would you change? How would you use the technology we now have to improve on a system that has swallowed itself whole?" It has been said that our thoughts create our reality. If you think that justice is something that happens in a court of law, or something that happens in a moment of vengeance, then I would implore you to think again as you read the following pages. Please be aware of my intent to assist you in avoiding to be a witness to some of the things myself and many others have been faced with in order to see that those things are only the tools used to create a sickness unto death, and mass suicide for us all eventually. Our country is in self destruct mode and our system(s) is at the crux of the demise.
I believe in being the change that you would like to see in the world. I have changed my inner realm to mirror the justice I envision after learning the truth of our current system. I have learned not to judge myself as being 'wrong' or 'right'. I have relearned what it means to be a loving, self-nurturing human being. I do not 'reward' myself, nor do I 'punish' myself, and I have found that in not doing so, have grown far beyond any assemblance of what my parents had plotted out in their well meaning fairytale of life for me as they dreamed it....and I am very happy with what I have arrived at withn myself. This is a mere attempt at sharing that with others.
you speak and are heard. ive
you speak and are heard. ive learned and am know broken, and nothing can fix me. They dont want to know, because in knowing, there is a responsiblity bestowed. ignorants is bliss, and everyone wants to be forever young. ( SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUITE WARS) iTS ALL THERE. And there stood a pale white horse.i feel poetic but all this subject does is make me sick.
Media: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance
Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and REAL HISTORY
Entertainment: Keep the public entertained below a sixth grade level
Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; Back on the farm with the rest of the animals.
If you havent yet, read: behold a pale horse.
just as i was writing this i got to the entertainment part me and my babys mother have been playing are you smarter than a fifth grader online,
and it just doned on me because ive read this book but its been awhile most of this stuff is fact some things a little much. but i got it again after a couple years. Because i kinda lost my way, its madding the facts that youll find if you do your own follow up research, but its all here
Thank you for going to that
Thank you for going to that ugly place and touching it....the more people that touch it, the more people who obtain the awareness of it's need for change.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "
A system decided
By a people divided
By wars and misunderstandings,
disease, famine, ruin and racism.
A system so flawed
That those who are outlawed
By it have no hope for redemption
And the truly evil are set free.
What a paltry expression.
It can't truly exist
Because humanity cannot resist
The clarion call of it's own destruction.
The truths are all lies,
Fabricated and indoctrinated
When the children are young,
No thought given to how it
Affects the fragile fabric
Of young minds attempting to
Understand their surroundings.
Things you think are true
Often oppose other points of view.
Therefore none can truly say
Whether or not a certain way
Is correct.
I got a bit carried away.
Thank you Reila...and I am
Thank you Reila...and I am honored as well to have inspired spontaneous poetic response. Love it. And yes... a subject that does tend to get us all a bit carried away.
...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."
"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "