DEAD PEOPLE (a note for the future)

When you are talking to a person, any person, about anything, and they are telling you a "story", there are aspects of the "story" that will touch you. Some aspects touch you deeply, others may anger you and never reach their intended destination within the"whole" of who you are. The reasons are because of how your life has formed up until that moment, an if you only have an awareness of your own experiences, and your own thinking pattern that was developed from your own experiences, what it comes down to is that their "truth" is never the entire "truth", but only a perspective of part of the "truth". So when we listen with only the parts of our ears, mind, heart, that can resonate with those things we hold as being "truth", we curse ourselves. Why? Because we choose closed mindedness. When we repeatedly insist that our truth is the only truth, and we neglect to change patterns of thinking we have adopted through only our own life experiences and group thinking rather than push our psyches to see a different way that could have been, to blaze a different trail that is uniquely our own, we turn our backs on possibilities and even our own very purpose for living on earth during these difficult times. No one will ever see entirely eye to eye with anyone. That is unrealistic and does little in the way of supporting things like human dignity. We are all on this earth at this time for a reason. All of our reasons may be different in each of our individual realities and trials and tribulations, but there are some things that most people care about, and one thing in particular that touches us no matter how much our subconscious helps us commit spiritual suicide. That Is Love. Undefinable, undeniable, LOVE.

To live in the past is to be dormant in life. To be, in most all ways, "dead". To run from the past and refuse to acknowledge it at all, is like a form of spiritual suicide in too many ways. Our pasts have the ability to cause great change as well as great stagnation. When we bravely face life with love for ourselves we find everything we need to always grow and always move forward. ..not be stagnant and "dead in spirit". 

Live your life whole. Rejoice in the fact that the past is over, and treasure today, because without it, there's no future. Your life begins not with what is around you. Your life begins with what is in you, and you have to build it yourself.

allets's picture


We r our past

we r our now

the to be scene

is ours to write.




bishu's picture

Good 2 C U back

~Just a reader and worder already poisoned by deadly venom~ Best wishes 7th Jan 2015~



allets's picture

Spiritual Suicide


They should teach this concept in elementary school - to be avoided. Things that kill the spirit should indeed RIP. Direction play: the poet as compass indicating there is wisdom worth following here. ~Star~




Just reread and found the wisdom elevating and sound words to adhere to - been myopic lately, time to open up the field of vision to recreate a field of dreams. May you write for us again soon. ~allets~