"A little list of what chicks hate that guys say"

Sometimes you hate your bf and sometimes you love him to death. Sometimes it's the words that really make it stretch. Well I've put a little list of words or phrases that really ticks your raisins.... .and you can send it away if you like  ;)

TOP ONE: 0: (silence)

1. I SWEAR I WASN'T LOOKING AT HER! GOD! (gets pissed)

2. Oh, I was about to do that

3. I gotta go, brb

4. No you THOUGHT I said that

5. Don't blame me

6. I don't know what you're talking about

7. What the hell are you trying to say?

8. We never disgused this

9. Well you never told us where we're gonna go, so I didn't plan ahead

10. Well I couldn't think of where we could spend time together

11.Are you trying to say he's hotter than me?

12.What do you wan't ME to do?

13. Stop bitching

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To all the frustrated ladies out there.

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Yes my darling i look from time to time
but your the only one on my mind i may flirt
i may give a glance but you will have the last dance
and when you see me look i`m just thinking how much
better you look in those jeans and remember this its only
you that i kiss and miss when your not by my side
so my darling have no fear when i go to bed at night it
will always be with you my dear

ron parrish