Respectfully Disappointed

Unburried roots

You are a beautiful being
and I am honored to
have been witness
to you standing so strongly
and making the necessary shift
when it was most necessary.

Wonderful lessons came
came through to me
and for that
I love you

The Universe sent me
as a test for which
you passed with flying colors.

Bravo! my friend
you made it to the next block
your integrity has remained in tact
and has grown stronger at that.

I am left feeling more respect
than I even had before
and you treated me
with the respect that I deserve.

And though it was fun to fantasize
about the possibilities
I am so glad that it was
something quite different.

I appreciate you in ways
that are so impossible to
put words to...

Thank you!

Great disappointment fell over me
when I didn't find you
for farewell
it boggled me for some time
the strength of disappointment's pull.

I went to the ocean to cleanse
after that I felt better
and now after a time
left for digestion
I feel love and gratitude
for the strength
you helped me find in myself.

Thank you for your blessings, brother.

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Iseemydreams's picture

This is a very beautiful

This is a very beautiful poem!

Morningglory's picture

Thank you!

Thank you. Now I have to decide whether to give it to the person I wrote it to.

Copyright © morningglory