If there was something...

If there was a truth,

A truth to be told.

Then I wouldn't have taken time,

To tell what my heart hold.

If love was such a thing,

A thing to be explained,

Then I wouldn't have taken time,

To tell my heart is stained.

If life was such a thing,

A thing that I could give.

Then I would have given to you,

So that forever you may live.

If pain was such a thing,

A thing that I could take.

Then I would have taken it away,

Just for your love's sake.

But as life is so uncertain,

So cruel yet so true.

I want you just to know,

That how much I love you!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Well my first formal poem that convinced me to write more, its all about my luv for ma parents n bros only thing i wanna say is tht love can never be told, if only there was a way

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Facade's picture

This is very true...Love is something untouchable, yet it's the language we all understand, other thatn explaining a colour to a blind man. I love it!