
word crank

i glimmer and glow
like new fallen snow
ring like a rhyme
pleasant to show
but you've heard that old adage
there's a reason its told
it's true what they say about glitter and gold

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fhmc's picture

Oh my word... every day

Oh my word... every day brings something new, and I suspect you will be that something new for many of the days to come.

For someone who has just begun writing, your grasp of metre and metrical feet is masterful. Every line of this wonderful ditty has been either crafted OR intuitively felt.

I'm just left trying to figure out which it is. The poise is perfect, ballet-like balance.

Really, really, excellent job. Do/did you study poetry to a high level?

"Satellite's gone
up to the skies.
Thing like that drive me
out of my mind.

I watched it for a little while:
I love to watch things on TV." - Lou Reed

running_with_rabbits's picture

I f*ckin LOVE this! it is

I f*ckin LOVE this! it is awesome!

thanks so much for the share and never lose that possitive self outlook!

Much Love


nakedsoles's picture

thanks, dude. its my first

thanks, dude. its my first one, so i've had time to screw around with it for a while. if you have any suggestions, i'd love to hear 'em. you've obviously been writing for a while.