One day everything is going well
The next your flat on your back
People standing all around you
All covered in dress that's black
You wonder what could have happened
To cause such a sudden stop
What did you do so wrong
That would cause you just to drop
Maybe it was the other day
When you cut off an old lady
Or that one time with your boss
When you were acting kind of shady
Or when you told your mom
She could just go to hell
Was that the day that your soul
From heaven high it fell?
So you lied to your dad
Told him you were some place other
Than where you really were
How would you face your mother?
And you cheated on your girlfriend
How you broke her innocent trust
When she walked in on you and her
And your girl left you in the dust
The pain in your ears
When she screamed from fear
And how you wanted to kiss
Every heartbroken tear
But she is gone, and so are you
Too bad she went up to the light
Forever to be happy with no more pain
And you ran away from the site
So now you must suffer
With eternnal pain and sorrow
If only you hadn't lied so much
And had learned to borrow
Cheating and lying don't get you far
Unless you mean to die alone
Never again to see the light of day
Too bad you couldn't use that phone
One last call could have saved your life
But you were too hurt to go that far
Your legs were broken and neck snapped
Now you know not to be drunk and drive a car
The theme of this poem is very powerful. i love the verse:
The pain in your ears
When she screamed from fear
And how you wanted to kiss
Every heartbroken tear
That is my favourite part in this great poem.
i would write a critique but i'm too drunk to think straight