Puzzles as Parables of Poetry and Truth

do you now see me

walking away from the sea?

covering my face?

I am sending you the Sea

it is coming from a Winter

far away and long forgotten

I turned my back on its whispers

on its aquatic face of fate

"is sorrow the fountain head of sorrow?"

no, Love is ...

happiness carries sorrow in its heart

the sea carries death in its breast

the sun carries darkness in its eye

the rain carries thirst in its quench

if you see me and if you see the sea

then you simply see poetic puzzles unfold:

beauty is not moved by tears ... blue

stays blue and aquamarine stays true

when sun caresses the sea

white clouds stays clouds

and azure sky does not lie

nothing is moved by my sorrowful sighs

and none of the colours of the sea

can grieve with me

whilst I am failing

its parables of Love


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Unraveling Lost Love ...

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