Love's Design

Love's Design

I put my trust in you my friend, 

You know "Our Love", it does transcend. 

Your Love for me is ever true.

It brings me Joy with Faith in you.

The day will come when we will Shine!

This "Love" we know is "Loves Design"!

It will transcend through space and time.

To bring us closer in a very short time.

Just know my dear..."Our Love" stands out.

And we'll be together, cause "Love Rules Out"!

That's what "True Love" is all about!

It's "Loves Design"  without a doubt!

Written & Composed By: Denise Hall

1 John 4:16. God is Love...1 John 4:19  We love each other because

He first loved us.

Genesis 2:24. Therfore a man shall leave his Father and Mother and be joined

To his wife, and they shall become one flesh.

Ruth 1:16  Your people shall be my people. AND YOUR GOD, MY GOD.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For you Lovers and Lovers of God.  I hope everyone likes this for Valentine's Day.  GOD BLESS.  INSPIRED BY HIS SPIRIT, REFLECTED THROUGH MY HEART TO GIVE TO YOU.

AziVsH's picture


I read all the stuff you’ve posted, it's basically amazing. Absolutely love your stuff:) I haven't done a lot of reading, so this comes from a small pool, but you're now one of my favorite poets on this website. You're writing is a perfect combination of heartfelt emotion, great diction/syntax, and higher quality subjects/themes. I’m blown away. Awesome stuff, Keep posting! 

PrincessDenise32's picture

Thank you and I'm beginning to type up some of my new work...

I've been very busy these last many years...I appreciate everyone's kind words.  I'll be posting new work because I'm going to start transferring it from the notebooks... paper to