The Legend of Stoney & Tan


Curiousity tailgated peak interest.....

an erection of a brand spank'n new kind stood up in attention.....

his eyes wandered ova to the otha kind of what mankind had to offer.....

& thus, Stoney's appetite for the testosterone kind began to fire.....

Rejecting the redundant bland of estrogen sensibility.....

& requiring a biologically strange, but de facto experience.....

his quest for happiness in the sameness of his own sexuality.....

his quest for companionship in the sameness of his own thought swagger.....

his quest for pornosensual pleasure in the sameness of his own anatomy.....

led Stoney to the unstable bicurious conscious.

Since the months of 2002's teenage crest.....

a friendship of mistaken brotherhood was cemented b/t Stoney & Tan.....

from the start, the friendship was always a friendship @ its best.....

but was neva meant to be mistaken as a consentual brotherhood.....

for the only thing consentual were the hidden agendas collecting b/t the 2 young men.....

These agendas dared not be spoken publicly in the English-tongue.....

rather, they were ghostwritten b/t the lines of ebonic sarcasm.....

deciphered by Tan's potent sensitivities to the GAYdar scale.....

& completely litigated by the vulnerability in Stoney's droopy eyes.....

Tan found himself fall'n into the deep hazel of these eyes.....

consumed with transcendental passions that revealed "something more" b/t him & Stoney.....

His heart's desire was to indulge in these passions.....

but Tan's common knowledge had already cul-de-sac'd these emotions for the purpose of play'n things safe.....

Meanwhile, Stoney's mind was play'n a far more dangerous game with his own heart.....

a telepathic tug-o-war with greater odds favoring the central

pumping valve.....

@ night, he would have dreams overran by a fleet of red blood cells.....

detailing the true imagery of his heart - a day of recogning with Tan: the brand spank'n new catch of his eye.....

& by daybreak each morning, the electric pulses

of his brain's infantry would counterattack the heart with malignant chest pains.....

Temporary relief came in the form of relationships w/females of appealing status.....

with varying intentions, they all promised Stoney a mix of natural sexy & calm understanding.....

each degree of intent lured him back into the vagina's tight squeeze for monogamy.....

resulting in the Stoney's stiff denial of the powers that were to be w/he & his curious affairs......

Three summers had faded to black.....

what could have become "Stoney & Tan" became a vaporous mist of the 16 year old past.....

Political Science & Business Management were now their individual concentrations.....

with their future goals reaching infancy @ two respective HBCU's.....

Stoney's masculinity matured into a machismo of intellect's greatest satisfaction.....

Tan's versatility transpired thru charm & photogenics, personifying untamed elements of attraction.....

This cultivation of both personalities brought prideful tears to puberty's eyes.....

& from those tears, fate begain to spark the magic of what could still be Stoney & Tan.....

It was a mysterious night in the Grand Southern Metropolis.....

the glare of the linear skyline shoned on Tan's figure atop the cosmopolitan balcony.....

he thought of a time in the distant-enough-but-not-dat-dayum-long-ago past.....

a vague moment in which he found himself fall'n into the deep hazel of someone's eyes - some...BOY'S eyes.....

Tan couldn't help but to conjur on how much of a man this boy must be after three summers.....

an inspirational buzz of Tan's cellular device in his left pocket.....

an anxious skim of his electronic address book.....

a nervous shock when he spots the ten digit number belonging to Stoney.....

a perspirating hand that holds the phone to his ear while it rings.....

"Can I speak to Stoney?"/

"Yea...dis him"/

"You know who u tawk'n to?"/

", I don't...who is dis?"/

"Its Tan, nigga!"

"Oh shit....w'sup Tan...its been a minute!"/

"Yea, it mosDefnt'ly'z life?"/

"Its coo....its, what made you call me out da dayum blue like dis?"/

"Ohhh....nuth'n, really....I was just scroll'n thru my address book & thought it would be nice to ring up an old friend"/


Tan want'd to pour out the real facts of life.....

the facts that once upon a time, he had it bad for Stoney.....

          that once upon a time, he fell weak in the deep  

                   hazel of Stoney's droopy eyes.....

        & that once upon a time, he want'd to be the "Tan" in

                           "Stoney & Tan".....

but like all inhibitions & secrets.....

these facts managed to spill out right ova the phone.....

b/c Tan had already voiced his mind & heart.....

only after hearing Stoney hesitantly confess:

"Yea, can say dat for a minute back then....I was....mmmmhmmmm....a lil' curious/

"Are you say'n what I think you just said? I mean...dayum...I kinda...kinda...always knew....but...SHIT STONEY!"/

" can prob'ly say dat. Remember dat time I gave you a ride to the library & you wuz tell'n me about your experiences? Well, coulda had me then"/

"Wow....we seem to be full of surprises tonite Mr. start'n to make me wish I jump'd on my instincts a lil' sooner...of coulda jump'd, too....are you still curious?"/

"I might be....if da rite nigga come, when you gon' show me dis new road?"

With that last gesture ova the phone, The Legend of Stoney & Tan continued on.....

& in the most peculiar sense, its STILL continues.....

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A different approach to writing.....

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Krizia Gonzalez's picture

I love this poem! Your use of detail is greatly appreciated. The story line gives it personality. Your use of "ebonics" and humor makes it totally a "U" poem. Like I said, I love it! Keep up those great similie skills! ; )