The Ghost of Heartbreaks Past...

With hands and heart

I sit here now

the same as nights before

I hope to touch

you with my words

for you are far, amor

I hear you cry

in silent words

how your heart beats with sorrow

The loneliness

you say you feel

makes me yearn for tomorrow

Make no mistake

My heart is true

and my intent sincere

I've always said

"If you need me

just call and I'll be (t)here"

Yet there are things

that I must know

Is this bond built to last?

Is your heart in

the here and now

or pining for ghosts past?

You once declared

a broken heart

could never mend the shards

Is this why you

obscure yourself

behind your house of cards?

Is your heart free

to rise up from

the ashes of days gone?

Or is it mired

in longing for

a faded star once shone?

Why let your heart

be swayed by those

who once tore it asunder?

Won't you trust me

to keep it whole

and see you through the thunder?

Those words of yours

becoming you

do they echo your soul?

Am I the star

that lights your heart

or just a stand-in role?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Love will tear us aparrrrt..again....or so the song goes...

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It is evident to me, that your heart was possibly the drive of this poem.
I loved this...'why let your heart be swayed by those who once tore it asunder?'
A hearbreaking piece...but beautifully written and wonderul to read.