Fingers tight
brain trying to fight
cautiously waiting
for the heart to open
so that I may finally take flight
oh lord help me
don't judge me as I go
allow me to fumble
this perfection of spirit
needs freedom
to express
no more of this
stumbling around
looking outside myself
trying to find a solution
set me free
I'm tired of these chains
so heavy on my heart
please be gentle
I'm still fragile
hardened as I may be
the slightest bump
could cause me to shatter
each day I look outside
hoping for the miracle
all the while knowing
it is up to me to release me
yet I torture myself
cage myself
imprison my spirit
within this flesh of mine
I know she's ready to shine
but the darkness has been
... so comforting
not yet willing to come out
into the great bright light
afraid of what I'll see if I do
afraid I will lose myself
all the comforts of the facade
that I embrace each day
too vulnerable
I must protect this spirit
or so the Guard believes
He believes in himself so much
that he keeps Spirit covered
thinking he's protecting her
But he does not realize
that he is killing her silently
as he keeps her confined
she cannot breathe
beneath this blanket
he uses to shelter her
She cannot see
beyond the walls
he uses to shield her
she cannot live any longer
within the confines
of his guardianship
set her free
oh watchmen of souls
set her free
this one's not meant to be caged
Feeling you
Damn that is a great poem and i could feel the feeling you put into it and i hardly feel the feelings someone puts into there work. you are a great writer.
Thank you Sugarbear
Wow! I'm so glad to hear that my feelings have transferred like that. I so appreciate that you have expressed this!
Oh, but it still makes me blush...
Copyright © JessterStarshine