You cracked the code of that perennial question: why are we here? The "illusion of separateness" There it is: ultimate reality, who we really are. You delivered the profound wisdom with style and a refreshing sense of humor. Love this treasure.
"Use me Lord for good." Tired, bent my prayer "Dear God, can we take a break for a while." Nothing was ever boring about makin' it better, cleaner, holier. Detroit is my next battlefield. I will do it with my pen. I gave my health to work and raising humans. :D
You cracked the code of that
You cracked the code of that perennial question: why are we here? The "illusion of separateness" There it is: ultimate reality, who we really are. You delivered the profound wisdom with style and a refreshing sense of humor. Love this treasure.
My Prayer
"Use me Lord for good." Tired, bent my prayer "Dear God, can we take a break for a while." Nothing was ever boring about makin' it better, cleaner, holier. Detroit is my next battlefield. I will do it with my pen. I gave my health to work and raising humans. :D