Theres a fire in my heart
I have no idea what to say
Peace and love have gone away
What happened to a time of day
Were peace and love were heard from miles away
A time were people hugged and played
I lay down and drift away
Surrounded by lily's, that time comes back into play
Children laughing and have fun like never before
Sapphire sunshine raining down like feather galore
I look up to the sky
I see majestic eagle gliding by
People by each others side
When times of fright arrive
Don't be afraid, never back down
Pounding in my head never go's out
I wake up to find,
The lily's have died
The times of peace and love have floated by
Only if though times would back and fly we could live together in peace and rhyme
Paige Sneath©
Nice! good read.
Nice! good read.
Vive le Quebec libre!