Plain and Simple

As the morning sun rises, so do my thoughts.

"Why you?", I ask myself as I forage through my untamed dresser.

On the bus I sit and twidle my thumbs.

'Please get on... Please sit at least near me!' I think to myself with my face blank and dazed.

You sit 3 sits behind me and I let out a sigh,

'Don't be stupid.. You know better then that.' I punish myself harshly.

My body stiffens as a cold shiver runs down my spine.

My back is now warm.

Why is that?

I turn my head only just a pinch, just enough to see your eyes widen as you snap your head towards a friend.

I blush and quickly do the same.

I close my eyes and listen to the conversations around,

Your voice rises over all.

You brag about you new girlfriend.

But didn't you just get a new one?

How could you move on so fast?

How could you leave some one behind carelessly?

The shiver starts again, but this time I keep my head down.

The scream of my name and a poke on the shoulder jolt me from my seat.

I turn to where the fingers point.

It is at you.

You blow me a kiss, and I return the favor.

I do this to all my friends though.

When the seat behind me is empty, you move and ask me about life.

I can't control my blush, and try to sound "cool" and normal as I go on about my boring, missearble conditions.

You move back when our conversation is finished.

Why can't I just ask you to hang out with me?

Why am I so shy?

Why do you toy with me?

Why do I even like you?

I look out the window, pondering reasons for liking you.

I come up empty handed.

There are no reasons.

I guess that,

even though you are the worst influence to walk the earth,

even though you go through women like the wheels on your bikes,

even though you have never really admitted to liking me at all,

I still love you.

And that is the plain and simple truth.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Not really a poem, huh?
~*Brittany Ann Beasley*~

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