As i wake each morning I look to the sky, I look all around me I wonder how, I wonder why? Why is the sky

so blue why is the grass so green, whit colors so vivid, are things truly as they seem. I mean, did all this just

happen, or is it all part of a plan? When I look at all th big powerful beasts of the world, I wonder, why is

everything put under fragile man?


Then I listen to people who tell me how to live and it do sound good, then they make me wonder, if they 

know so much, why are they still stuck in the hood? Now T.V. and radoi, I hear them say,  do whatever you

feel cause there's nothing to life anyway. You live, you die, do what you can to get your piece of the pie. But that

don't make sense because whatever you do has consequence. 


So do you live by the way of men, or is there a thing called sin. For this life has let us know that you will reap 

what you sow. Is it Divine sense or is it coincidence? You see I've heard the big bang, an explosion in space it

made galaxies, planets and ultimately all life even the human race. But here's another theory, we came from

Apes. No, I got the scoop, primordial soup, all life came from some kind of goop, which sounds like poop.


And here's one that makes me leery, string theory. I look at all theory at it's best, but isn't a theory just a guess?

Science look good on the surface but if you look deeper you will see everything has a purpose. everything is 

connected one to another and you can plainly see, that we really need each other and we could stop all the suffering

and we know, that nothing comes from nothing.


Whether it's seed and the plant, the egg and the chicken or a baby from a man and his wife, Life Comes From Life.

Now if you want to learn, whether to build something or even to cook, everything comes with an intsruction book. 

We also come with a book which we need to read and take heed. So we are not just here to flaunt your wealth, to 

look down on people are to just have fun, we are here for a purpose a Divine reason.


Each time I look into the sky, I don't what you see, but I see Infinity. This life is to get us prepped to take the next

step. So I read my book which tell me how it is going to end, it even tell me how it began and I want in. So to live

this life right is a must, for we all have a beautiful and glorious purpose.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

I needed purpose, I was all into it ready to do the thing and up jumps spring with a sort of kaos it would bring and the blues it can make you sing. It can also drive you out of your mind at anytime, Yes it sure could, BUT GOD IS GOOD.

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allets's picture

Linked Theory

Everything touches something else. About suffering, it is a part of life too. The Chaos of Spring:
Bring me your theories
about spring and I will
send you my real life
experiences about winter
and fall, summer is iffy.
Give me your hypotheses
about April and parts
of May. I'm going
to need that come October.
Lady A



MilMan's picture


So true Lady A. I am going through some things in Life but I know I'll be alright.

Right I am under attack, but I'll be back, as I should, GOD IS GOOD...

You have a very Blessed Day Lady A.       Cool