How I miss you

Hey you, my lover girl

you know I really missed you,

thinking about it makes me hurl

but not thinking of it makes me blue.

I always try to find you walking around

but I can never spot you there.

Why can’t you give me a place where you can be found

cause not seeing you makes me lose my hair.

No matter what the cost is I will find you

even though it might be complicated.

I really hope you will give me a clue

to where you so well hided.

just give me another day

I’ll be able to find you walking around

even if I have to pay

your worth every dollar on earths ground.

Just writing this really hurts inside

same why I feel about my dad

but I will never think to one side

even though it hurts really bad.

All I want to say is

I miss you

and I love you

and now I finish this off with some kisses.

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Irma's picture

Hey, you know I like this poem cause it's cute, and it's poetic,and not very cheesy, and I know how cheesy u can get. LoL. good job on this

poetvg's picture

now that is real
pain ouch in the
3rd degree :*) .