And how does one "Deal"
with their complex simplicity so well?
It is both a blessing and a curse
to be still and accept
what you deserve?
Is this game we play
part of what makes each day mundane?
How is it that you mind can go anywhere
When the body stays?
Have you learned the secret
to accepting life in the present each day?
Questions I'll ask myself
when I turn 98.
an extatential contemplation
Of course a questioning poem can be retorical and yet yours may beg me for an answer or so the aberation apprears and the answer may well be you wont have to wait till 98
It is my experience; that to accept the day one must except each moment and then each second and then even each infintesmal mili second till one is entirely consumed with the instant of self This is done by perfect concentration on the breath till nothing else exists. Other than that at least in my experience you may find some contendeness but probably not with out sone disquieting gnawing despair as you will enevitably contemplate the unknown
Well said, I appreciate your
Well said, I appreciate your feedback!
Well im an older man and looking at your pic and reading your piece thought you an industrious optimistic asperational fire point of a girl ;)