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Author's Full Portfolio

       Recently, thanks to the good tip of a friend of mine and perhaps the right moment in my life, I have decided to begin (finally) writing about my epilepsy. I have lived with epilepsy since I was three years old, and still have it today. It has been a battle I have now faught for 29 years.

       Two brain surgeries, 16 years of writing (about anything but seizures), and 20 times my own body weight in medication later, I come to you with these poems. So far I am writing them only while they are happening, or shortly afterwards as the case may be. The moments when they happen, however often, are times that I have quickly tried to forget and move on from. Perhaps, as I become more acquinted with the language of my epileptic fits, I will be able to write about them even when they are not happening. 

      Please feel free to ask me anything. Comments, criticism, and general conversation are always welcome. As strange as my relationship is with my epilepsy, I have lived with it for so long and I have moved past many painful stages in my life already and grown into the motto that I now (and always will) hold about this disability - in fact anyones disability. 


To every dark cloud, there is a silver lining

       Epilepsy was my dark cloud, perhaps it is still in some ways, but my silver lining is writing. I owe thanks to my entire life for finding the joy (and solace) of words. The pain of accepting a life-long disability gave me that gift, for which I am forever blessed. 

                                                                                                                                                                          - Thank you for inspiring me Timo

Title Comments Views Updated Posted
1 Tremors 296 2015/01/21 9 years ago
2 Seizure 261 2015/01/21 9 years ago