Like light on falling rain
Teardroppped from the emptiness of the heavens
A jealousy with no intent
An envy
Of Devastation
Memories stolen and filed in Pandora's Box
Successfully obliterated from the joy of life
Emerald eyed and yellow bellied
A snake
Or a man
Sentinals of society's disease
Beauty is the ravaging of innocence
Locked within manacles of mental abuse
That we beat on the door to ourselves
Emblazoning the images of lost lives
Trying to carry on as normal
We create a tango of deceit
Are we the heroes or the sinners?
We make a circle of hate reaching far inside
An Eye For An Eye
How many more should we hurt
To pay the piper
How can we look to the end of our days
Damaged children, angels hide their eyes
How can we hide the pain inside
Does retribution make it right?
I commented on this somewhere else, and was a little unsure of the path it was taking. My gut reaction was the terrorism and its aftermath, but I am sure I played it safe and commented more on the structure than the content.
I have grown accustomed to your use of metaphor and its attendant connotations.
This is certainly one of your better wisdom poems, for it allows us to see the futility of these hollow pursuits.
When we as humans, can draw authority for outrageous acts from the tenets expressed in "holy scripture", we have shed the only chance to move beyond the corporal realm, and chose instead to offer our own immortality for carnage and retribution.
Every act overtly designed to hurt another in any way, chinks at our Triad of Other.
I love it when you display the wisdom thoughts.
Grand work! Tim