The obvious poet.

Cuban cigars rolled on the thighs of virgins

Mustache like a handlebar

Hair waxed to perfection

Pit-holed skin

Golden teeth smoking yet another roll up

The obvious poet

Beer cans spilling out age old brew

Maybe a wife and kids

Despairingly watching he

As yet again the words he writes

Land smack bang in the waste paper bin.

He writes of life

Things he'ld like to experience

Never slipping out of his fluorescent haven

Locked away from life

Escaping into the darkest corners of his mind

The shadow world is his domain

It is his bind

The obvious poet

Too many abusive nights,wrecking his candour

Until the words escape him

Poetry wrecking his ardour

Impotent in life

Lost in some back end street

A can of Tenants he sports

In his eyes that same defeat

Lost to himself beauty dried out

Left by his wife till he sorts himself out

Then by some miracle at his lowest low

Those elusive words bore into his very soul

Like a spiritual intervention

He is once again whole

Sin for me wrap your heart around my spine

Dance for me in the shadows echoing my mind

Drink with me,Let my life-line feed your kind

Let me take control from you

Let the blind lead the blind

The obvious poet. :-)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is dedicated to, you know who you are!

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Tim Derr's picture

Hey! Awesome review of the true poet. Drawn along with the images, I found my mind adrift in a realm of Hemingway or Kerouac. The theme runs with "Nada es nada" yet it is in the finding that redemption glares and blares.
The Old man has found the light.
Damn, you gettin' good, Girl!

Ps. Last stanza: Sin=Sing???? Loved it anyway you say it. Tim