The Chris Before You

Tributes to Lovers

Maybe I haven't gotten over him
Maybe the sting of rejection still burns
But sometimes he's all I think about

All I think about is that one night
And it makes me tingle
(Like you never have)

And I want to reach out
And I want to list all the ways
He hurt me back then

But I don't so I live in these thoughts
And cry just a little while
I watch TV next to you

And I love you with every ounce
But he's still there buried
Somewhere deep in my heart

He's what brought me to you
(In a convoluted sense)
So I wish I could thank him for that

But I wish that magnetism
That existed between us
Could rub off on you

I need that spark we had,
That can't-keep-my-hands-off
Kind of attraction

It's missing here and
Maybe that's why I cry a little
Watching TV distant from you

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This poem demonstrates what I

This poem demonstrates what I have admired about your artistic skill for years:  the conversational tone, the sturdy grounding in absolute reality, and the emotional poignancy which strikes a perfect proportion---neither too much ("gushy") or too little ("oblique").  Your consistent delivery of poetic quality makes you one of the pillars of this site.
