I hate looking back
at the journey
that brought me to you.
I made so many mistakes
I wish I could take back
but they led me to you.
The further I am from my escapades
the more I feel like
that girl was someone else.
Yet they are still my past
so maybe I was that girl once
but have since changed.
You altered the trajectory
of my life like (he) once did
but this time for the better.
You are the reason
I've become who I am now
with your unwavering love.
You washed away the pain
of years past with
the warmth of your embrace.
Those days still haunt me
from time to time
but with less and less frenquency.
I want to make my new home
in your affection,
dwell in your arms forever.
Beautiful poem, but that
Beautiful poem, but that final stanza is . . . triumphant!