Take Me To Your Leader: the truth about anarchy

What i hate so much is people who think anarchy means "chaos"...yes, chaos exists, and it would not exist any more because of anarchy. anarchy means freedom. the biggest problem with humanity is our governing systems...now, there is no perfect government, and im not saying that we shouldnt have government, because animals have government, too(wolves have hierarchies) but, the thing is, with wolves, the Alpha Male is the strongest, biggest, smartest wolf of the pack...with humans, the president or king is always someone born into it, or the one who can kiss the most ass into presidency. This puts mediocre people in power. This eliminates human evolution as well...it was slowed down when these sorts of things first came into play, but i think it actually halted in the invention of the gun. This is because...before guns, there were swords...and it was the best swordsman who stayed alive. with guns, the weakest man could kill the strongest in two seconds. theres no effort to it...and with guns came war with ruthless killing, pointless killing...thousands of napalm was dropped upon Tokyo by the US in WWII, millions died..millions of innocent people the pilots never even saw...Anarchy means freedom, though now that we've been accustomed to this tight-grip government for so many centuries, anatomically, we couldnt handle it. i say that I am an Anarchist because it is my belief that, if humans had never developed this superficial, overly organized monopoly of government systems, and let ourselves as a species naturally govern ourselves, we would be so much further on in evolution...and war would not exist...fighting would, desputes would, but war would not...there is a humongous difference. War is the fighting of government systems...making single humans nothing more but puzzle pieces..their minds mean nothing to the gov't...only their ability to pull a trigger and kill strangers...welcome to humanity...take me to your leader...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

these are some of my political beliefs about government

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