
I break the deck

I break the mirror

To view my every angle

In every shard but forged

I’ve been asleep for years

Upon days upon hours

Dreams are conceived

Within dreams

Monkeys within monkeys

Storms within skies

I break the arm of the angle

And deal out the deck

For the eye before E

Except after C

Breathed into

The tunnel of the blackened throat

Treading water damp

To bite the bullet of the suffocating lung

And released

In one broad


Monkeys within monkeys

Dreams within dreams

Eye within E

Accepted by c

Punctuation puncturing

My deflated lungs

Out of steam and stretched out

Like a birthday balloon

Tired out and resting still as stone

I break the deck

I break the stillness of the second hand

And bend the circle to a perfect oval

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Dale Harrison's picture

i really like this, there's something about the surrealism and word play that i love.