Pale Euphoria

Oh, the sweet silk of euphoria

Never withers never sours

Just as our love shall never wilt

And curl fragile leaves

Like an encrusted eiderdown

And a dandelion

Old and gray and shedding still

As the dawning autumn somber

And never wilt we will

Oh, your radiance of the stretching pale moon

So pale from no sunray to soak up

Cast upon a stretching ocean mellow blue

Spraying foam of your sweet love

Into my tired eyes

And wakes me bright and early

And sooths me up and at em

As you mold me pale to the piece

To complete the jigsaw puzzle

After years of waiting in impatience

And keep me on the straight and narrow vision

Of you and I forever pale

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I love your poems, the words you use are so great and have so much meaning!

Liby :)